Observing the position of your cervix is a key element in predicting fertility. During your menstrual cycle, there is a change in the position and feel of the cervix (located at the lower part of the uterus) which can be measured and charted.
By examining your cervix, you can pinpoint your likely ovulatory date and increase your chances of conception. If you are also charting other body signs, such as your Basal Body Temperature and Cervical Mucus, it will result in a much more accurate indication of your most fertile time.
Examining Cervical Position
When conducting a self-exam, begin by washing your hands thoroughly and check your nails, they should be short and lacking in jagged edges. Examine your cervical position at the same time every day, starting the day after your period is over. Squat down, bending your knees and gently insert one or two fingers into your vagina. You should be able to feel your cervix. During the examination, observe the following:
- Is the cervical position easy to reach?
- Does the cervix feel soft or firm?
- Does the entrance of the cervix feel open or closed?
- Is the cervix dry, moist or very wet?
Prior to ovulation
During the first half of your menstrual cycle, the cervix is normally low (easy to reach) and feels firm, like the tip of your nose. It feels dry and the opening to the uterus remains closed.
During and around ovulation
The cervix now rises up to the top of the vagina, is opening up and is very wet with cervical mucus. All of this is happening in order to create a more fertile environment for the sperm. The cervix feels and softer and is very sensitive to the touch as well. At the height of ovulation, the cervix may be difficult to reach, when it has risen so high that the fingers cannot touch it.
Following ovulation
Within a few days after ovulation, the entrance begins to close and the cervix returns to a firmer state. The cervical position will be lower and easier to reach.
Other Fertility Indicators
You may also consider observing Cervical Mucus and your Basal Body Temperature. Combined these 3 indicators are a powerful tool in indicating ovulation and fertility.